Mission Statement

At present the Central Coast's Traditional Latin Mass Community of Saint Junipero Serra is served by Fr. Hughes Beaugrand at the request of the Most Reverend Richard J. Garcia, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Monterey in California.

The Traditional Latin Mass Community of Saint Junipero Serra serves those members of Christ's Faithful who worship in accordance with the traditional Latin Liturgy (or Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite) of the Catholic Church. The Sacred Liturgy is celebrated with the Roman liturgical books of 1962. Not merely its lawfulness, but the continued importance of the traditional Latin Liturgy for the faith and life of the Church, already
affirmed by St. John Paul II in 'Ecclesia Dei,' was further emphasized and guaranteed by Pope Benedict XVI, in 'Summorum Pontificum.'

The traditional Latin Liturgy is centered on God as its core. The Traditional Latin Mass as it has developed through the centuries, under the gentle influence of the Holy Spirit, bears treasures of language, music and ritual that raise our hearts and minds to the presence and action of Almighty God, in order to praise Him and to witness to the Gospel message given to us by Christ
Jesus our Savior.

Monday, January 9, 2017

News Update 1/9/2017

New Year Greetings to the St. Junipero Serra TLM Members,

Tim Brown, who has been leading the Rosary before Latin Mass more recently, sent an attached pdf of the Salve Regina, (Hail Holy Queen), prayer. His intention is to invite everyone to chant the hymn together after the Rosary. You can make a copy of the attached pdf to learn the words, plus Tim will provide copies in the back of Church near the Sunday Missal booklets.
I'm not very familiar with the hymn, so found an online video with words posted in Latin here: 

Also, here's a reminder about the annual Central California Marian Eucharistic Conference, held at St. Rose's in Paso Robles this next weekend, Jan. 13-15. Please visit www.ccmec.org to see a list of great speakers. Confession will be available. A book fair with Catholic vendors and information will also be nearby. Registration online or via phone (on website) is recommended, or you can register when you arrive. 

If you made a New Year's resolution to be more involved with corporal and/or spiritual works of mercy, or if you want to be more involved on a grass-roots level with helping others in need, a good place to get a jump-start in the pro-life apostolate is coming up! On Jan. 21, the annual West Coast Walk for Life will be held at the Civic Center Plaza in San Francisco. Please see www.walkforlifewc.com for the schedule and to see pictures of previous rallies for helpful info.
A bus is registered which will be from our area (SLO & Paso Robles). If you'd like a seat on the bus, please call bus captain Mary Baxstresser at 434-6076. Seats cost $35 each, or $25 if you are a student.   

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